Apostolic Movement International


How This Shift In Perspective Guarantees Wisdom

Dear Michael,

Hire a teenager while they still know everything. My son is 12 and loves history. He often walks out of a lesson and says, “Hey Dad, did you know…” Being a teacher-child, his passion enthralls me. But his lack of deeper knowledge makes him sound flaky. That's when I share my knowledge. The collaboration makes us both wiser.

The same happens in our call with the Lord. You reach complacency and perceive it as the “whole truth”. To maintain this safety blanket, you’ll defend your “righteous” perspective.

Michael, the Lord is the beginning and the end with unlimited knowledge. That’s why we can ask the Lord anything and He answers us, just and true. How about in an argument when you want the Lord to take your side? Does He not point out your failures to change your perspective? It’s an opportunity to become a little more like Jesus!

I am reminded of this verse… "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise." - Proverbs 12:15

So how do you get wisdom? The first step is to shift your perspective. I see this vision, of your walk, and you are focused only on your feet. The Lord is saying today “Look up, stop limiting yourself. There is a whole landscape ready to change perspective.”

Ask yourself… What’s my process with the Lord? Can I increase my perspective in this area?

Some steps to help would be…

Step 1: Ask the Lord for materials to broaden your understanding.

Step 2: Ask trusted experts you know, to teach you.

Step 3: Devise alternative ways of doing your tasks. Change it up and break out of your rut!

Forge this mindset to increase your capacity to imitate Jesus. Then your Godly knowledge will give you wise counsel. Add the anointing and you have a winning formula!

Much love and blessing

Your Brother in Christ.

Craig Toach
Spiritual Parent to the Prophets

Toach Ministries International

Of the #NextGenProphets Podcast

Phone: (760) 466-7257 9am to 5pm PST Tuesday to Saturday

Craig Toach