Apostolic Movement International


The Deadliest Assumption We Make as Mentors and Why Making It Could Derail Your Ministry

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Fivefold Ministry Digest #3

The Deadliest Assumption We Make as Mentors and Why Making It Could Derail Your Ministry

When God taught me to be a mentor, It didn’t take long to discover my limitations. There was only so much I could do to help and then, my disciple should want the help I offered! I was shocked the first time someone rejected ministry. I assumed that everyone wanted to bind their demons!

My deadliest assumption was, thinking it was my fault when my disciple failed.

"I worked so hard. I invested, poured out, ministered and I didn’t stop on holidays. I was going to change and shape lives. I wanted to do so much that I forgot it was God doing the work, and I was along for the ride. One day I got a revelation. They were God’s children and not mine. It was for God to change them, not me.” Mentorship 101, Colette Toach 

You begin ministry with ideas of how many lives you’ll change. Along the way, you experience failure. Your prize disciple rejects your help and crawls back into the hole where you found them. You try to move on, but you can’t. You wait for them to make a turnaround but instead, they sink deeper into their slime pit. Satan nurtures your regret, “If only you tried harder! If only you loved enough. It’s your fault they’re in deception.”

You’re believing a lie! If you loved enough to help, you did what God asked of you. Mentors are invigilators. We don't set the test. We only prepare our disciples for it. If they fail, it's on them.

You’ve taken a few hits but it's time to get back up. Failure has taught you an essential mentorship lesson. Not everyone wants what you have to offer. So have more discernment next time. Try again with the Holy Spirit’s prompting. If you need more help, pick up my book, Mentorship 101, and follow the step-by-step guidelines. It’ll help you with that sorting process before going too deep.

God's called you to pass what you have to the next generation. I’ve learned that for every disciple that fails there’s another ready for what you have. Need help? Write in or get the book and let’s empower God’s people together.

Click the button below to get your own copy of Mentorship 101 from my bookstore! 

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Always here for you,

Colette Toach

Spiritual Parent to the Prophets

Toach Ministries International

Of the #NextGenProphets Podcast

Phone: (760) 466-7257 9am to 5pm PST Tuesday to Saturday

Colette Toach